




Microelectronic System Engineering

This Microelectronic System Engineering program from University Putra Malaysia is designed to deepen the understanding and applications of microelectronic system engineering mainly in two focused area which are IC design and electronic device.

Advanced Computer Science

Develop with the Advanced Computer Science programme at the University of Essex expertise in contemporary design and practice within computer science. You graduate with the ability to explore further how technology influences people’s lives.

Race Car Aerodynamics - Master's Foundation Programme (MFP)

The Race Car Aerodynamics - Master's Foundation Programme (MFP) at ONCAMPUS Southampton is a 2, 3 or 4-term programme, with guaranteed progression to a wide range of Master’s degrees at the University of Southampton. 

Artificial Intelligence and Automation Engineering

The Master in Artificial Intelligence and Automation Engineering from University of Siena gives students strong scientific and technological background on complex engineering problems with emphasis on advanced topics in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotics, and Automation Enginee

Automation and Robotics Engineering

The Master's Program in Automation and Robotics Engineering at University of Petroleum and Energy Studies is an interdisciplinary programme composed of mechanical engineering, electronics engineering, electrical engineering, computer engineering, aerospace engineering and mechatronics engineeri