




Biomedical Sciences - Health Sciences

Stay competitive in today’s job market and improve your opportunity for career advancement or career change with the Biomedical Sciences - Health Sciences program of the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee.

Aerospace Engineering

Fascinated by aircraft and spacecraft? MEng Aerospace Engineering course from University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) is for you. You’ll apply everything you learn from our experts to the analysis and design of flying vehicles.

Ship Science

Southampton has been one of Britain's most important naval and shipbuilding centres since the Middle Ages. The Ship Science BEng course offered by the University of Southampton looks at naval architecture and marine engineering. It is ideal for those who want to continue their studies, follow a rese

Aerospace Engineering with Pilot Studies (Hons)

The Aerospace Engineering with Pilot Studies programme at University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) combines the practical and theoretical aspects of flying with the underlying principles of aerospace engineering. 

Biomedical Engineering

The Biomedical Engineering programme at Politecnico di Torino has been designed to provide students with a solid education in industrial engineering and ICT, perfected by specific subjects of biomedical engineering. 


The Mathematics programme at the University of Luxembourg provides basic knowledge in the fundamental fields of mathematics (algebra, analysis, geometry, probability) as well as concepts from disciplines closely linked to mathematics, such as physics, computer science or mathematics didactics.


The Physics programme at University of Luxembourg allows students to gain knowledge about the main areas of physics. It familiarizes them with the necessary mathematical tools and allows for specialisation via a wide range of elective courses.

Engineering and management

The B.S. in Engineering and Management at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) focuses on training professional operators equipped to cover both technical and technical-organisational positions.

International Mechanical Engineering

In this three-year, multidisciplinary International Mechanical Engineering programme from University West, you’ll develop an understanding of future factories, materials and production. Your programme will cover the main aspects of production technology, where its base is mechanical engineering.

Mechanical Engineering

The Mechanical Engineering course at University of Minho is structured according to projects which allow the student to consolidate theoretical and technical knowledge and integrate the acquired knowledge into concrete objectives in order to develop necessary skills to a mechanical engineer.