




International Tourism and Hospitality Management (Top-Up) (Hons)

Indulge in your love of travel. Explore destinations throughout the world. Undertake a paid placement. Graduate and embark on an exciting career with the International Tourism and Hospitality Management (Top-Up) (Hons) programme of the University of Sunderland.

Event and Tourism Management (Hons)

Learn and develop both event/tourism management and project management skills with the Event and Tourism Management (Hons) programme of the University of Suffolk.

Arts with Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management

This Arts with Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management degree program at University of Queensland provides the opportunity to combine a respected arts qualification that allows you to discover your passion, while gaining the essential skills to succeed in the highly competitive tourism indust

Real Estate Development And Management

The Real Estate Development And Management programme of the University of Salford has an extensive understanding of the property industry, and confidently display their professional knowledge to clients.

International Tourism and Leisure Industries

International Tourism and Leisure Industries is a 3-year BA degree at University of Bologna, certified by the UNTWO TEDQUAL. ITALI aims to improve the quality of tourism education, training and research programmes. 

Tourism, Languages and Cultures

The Tourism, Languages and Cultures from University of Otago subject offers students an opportunity to gain skills to work with people from other cultures in tourism and related business settings, by providing the necessary language literacy and cultural understanding, and cross-cultural perspective


The Tourism degree programme at University of Applied Sciences HTW Chur certified by the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) is practice-oriented, with an international focus. You will obtain an international business degree with cutting edge content and methods.


The Tourism Bachelor's degree programme at University of Barcelona is a university education approved and fully adapted to the requirements of the new European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

Bachelor of Arts - Bachelor of Event and Tourism Management

Use your creative ideas and natural problem-solving skills to forge an outstanding career creating world class productions designed to attract local and international audiences with the Bachelor of Arts - Bachelor of Event and Tourism Management from University of Canberra. 

Tourism and Event Management

Enjoy a fast-paced career in the growing travel, tourism and event management industries. Join the Tourism and Event Management programme at the University of South Australia.