




MSc in Materials Engineering

MSc in Materials Engineering The aim of the program is to issue MSc degree to materialsengineers having sound knowledge of structure, properties, behaviour of technical materials (such as metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, and new functional materials). Based on their knowledge these

MSc in Materials Engineering

MSc in Materials Engineering The aim of the program is to issue MSc degree to materialsengineers having sound knowledge of structure, properties, behaviour of technical materials (such as metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, and new functional materials). Based on their knowledge these

D.E in Materials Science and Engineering

D.E in Materials Science and Engineering The Materials Science and Engineering program aims to encourage and cultivate students to constantly improve their professional knowledge system of material science and engineering. The program aims to train students to possess the abilities of independent

ingegneria dei materiali

At the Politecnico di Milano there is a three-year research doctorate course in Materials Engineering which can be accessed if in possession of a Master's degree. The course aims to provide a common basic training combined with specialized preparation in different research fields. The aim is to comb

Digital Marketing

University College Dublin has its origins in the mid-nineteenth century under the leadership of the renowned educationalist John Henry Cardinal Newman. Since its foundation in 1854, the University has flourished and made a unique and substantial contribution to the creation of modern Ireland, based

Marketing Practice

University College Dublin has its origins in the mid-nineteenth century under the leadership of the renowned educationalist John Henry Cardinal Newman. Since its foundation in 1854, the University has flourished and made a unique and substantial contribution to the creation of modern Ireland, based

Marketing & Retail Innovation

University College Dublin has its origins in the mid-nineteenth century under the leadership of the renowned educationalist John Henry Cardinal Newman. Since its foundation in 1854, the University has flourished and made a unique and substantial contribution to the creation of modern Ireland, based

International Marketing Practice

University College Dublin has its origins in the mid-nineteenth century under the leadership of the renowned educationalist John Henry Cardinal Newman. Since its foundation in 1854, the University has flourished and made a unique and substantial contribution to the creation of modern Ireland, based

Marketing and Sales

We have an excellent reputation for quality teaching and sustained, high levels of student satisfaction. Our commitment to preparing you for your future career is evident in every course, dedicated careers and recruitment services and a strong graduate employment track record. More than this, you ha

MSc Marketing

MSc Marketing The MSc Marketing at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands is an education in research-based marketing . Students enrolled in this education programme gain an understanding of why a customer relationship strategy increases consumer loyalty and the best ways for a bus