




Information Systems

This Information Systems programme from University Teknologi PETRONAS focuses on providing sound knowledge and expertise in enterprise resource planning. systems analysis and design methods, database management systems and business applications with opportunities of taking Field Electives in Data An

Applied Immersive Game Design

Applied Immersive Game Design from University of Canterbury is combining creative innovation with technical and business skills.

Robotics Engineering - Undergraduate Foundation Programme

This one-year (3 term) Robotics Engineering - Undergraduate Foundation Programme from ONCAMPUS UK North offers successful students guaranteed progression to UCLan and the opportunity to apply to a number of other top UK universities through the UCAS process. You will study your Founda

Computer Engineering

The Computer Engineering degree at University of Pretoria was developed in 1998 to deliver graduates who can undertake the most demanding challenges of the ICT world in all its forms. 

Computer Science Engineering

The Computer Science Engineering at University of Debrecen belongs to the field of informatics training; however, it is also characterized by an engineering approach. 

Computer Engineering

The Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering program from University of Nicosia is intended to qualify students to begin a professional career in the field of Computer Engineering as engineers or to pursue further advanced post-graduate studies at the level of Masters or Doctorate degrees.&n

Business Information Systems with a Year in Industry

This Business Information Systems with a Year in Industry degree at the University of East Anglia will ensure you’re fully equipped for a career in business information systems and are totally up to date on what the industry needs right now.

Business Analytics

If you are excited about subjects like artificial intelligence (AI) and computer science, our the Business Analytics programme of the University of Amsterdam could be for you. Nowadays, organisations deal with huge amounts of freely accessible and interconnected data. In this newly developed Ba

Statistics and Data Science

The School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science at University of Kwazulu Natal offers a three-year undergraduate course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Statistics and Data Science. 

Computer Science - Software Engineering

During your study at the Computer Science - Software Engineering program here at the University of Antwerp you can live through a wide variety of applications of Computer Science. As a student you will get first hand experience in a challenging, creative, dynamic and multi-disciplinary environm