





The Bachelor of Mathematics from University of Wollongong will teach you highly transferable skills in problem-solving, data analysis, probability and variability, mathematical modelling, logistics and logic. 

Mathematics - Physics

Double degrees in Mathematics - Physics at University of Wollongong aim to broaden a student's knowledge and skill base and improve career options in competitive, increasingly interactive fields. The programs are designed to enhance educational, academic and professional qualifications while mi

Mathematics - Undergraduate Foundation Programme

This one-year (3 term) Mathematics - Undergraduate Foundation Programme from ONCAMPUS UK North offers successful students guaranteed progression to UCLan and the opportunity to apply to a number of other top UK universities through the UCAS process. You will study your Foundation prog


Mathematics is a universal language and a tool of fundamental importance in the physical and social sciences, engineering, technology, computer science, statistics, finance, data analytics and many other fields. The Mathematics course at University College Dublin  is thousands of

Physiology and Zoology

The primary goal of this bachelor in Physiology and Zoology at University of South Africa (UNISA) is to provide solutions to African based challenges through engaged scholarship that spawns from the interaction between a trilogy of Teaching and Learning, Research and Innovation and Community En

Data Science

Many of today’s problems rely on understanding and analysing data to solve them. From community health and tracking activity in social networks, to understanding our environment and climate change, data scientists are increasingly in demand. The Data Science program is offered by Universit

Mathematics and Computer Science

The vision of the bachelor in Mathematics and Computer Science at University of South Africa (UNISA) is to “develop world class, futuristic, African science, engineering and technology leaders, who aspire to extend the frontiers of innovation”.

Computer science

The B.S. in Computer science at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) focuses on the basic branches of learning in computer science, such as programming, software design, telematics, network systems and architectures.

Mathematics and Statistics

The vision of the bachelor in Mathematics and Statistics and Physics at University of South Africa (UNISA) is to “develop world class, futuristic, African science, engineering and technology leaders, who aspire to extend the frontiers of innovation”.


Statistics at University of Queensland involves the design, collection, analysis and interpretation of numerical data, with the aim of extracting patterns and other useful information.