




Chemistry with Foundation Year (Hons)

The Chemistry with Foundation Year (Hons) programme from the University of Birmingham is an integrated foundation degree, giving you access to our highly ranked chemistry undergraduate courses. Once you’ve completed it successfully and have met the subject-specific progression cr

Mathematics - Physics (Honours)

The Faculty of Agriculture, Engineering & Natural Sciences from University of Namibia is an internationally recognised citadel of knowledge and a robust ecosystem for discovery and innovation, offering the Mathematics - Physics (Honours) programme to Namibian, SADC, and international studen

Mathematics with Actuarial Science

Actuaries are the world’s financial architects and engineers. Their expertise is vital to the management of pension funds, general insurance companies and investment by financial institutions. At this Mathematics with Actuarial Science BSc course offered at the University of Southampton you’ll learn

Actuarial Science (Hons)

This Actuarial Science (Hons) programme from the University of York will help you develop mathematical models to manage the financial impact of risk and uncertainty

Actuarial Science (Hons)

If you’d like a high-paying career in finance or insurance… If you’re good at mathematics, enjoy problem-solving and are interested in financial matters… you should consider studying actuarial science.  Actuarial Science (Hons) programme is offered by University of Kent.  

Actuarial and Financial Mathematics

The Actuarial and Financial Mathematics programme from University of Pretoria provides students with a broad education that will serve them beyond what is usually expected of a graduate in these fields.

Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science

This degree course in Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science at University College Cork provides a solid education in the fundamentals of financial mathematics and actuarial science, as well as a strong grounding in the core disciplines of the Mathematical Sciences.

Mathematics and Actuarial Science

Risk and uncertainty are where actuaries shine – drawing on their mathematical skills to help businesses and organisation make better financial decisions. It can be a high-stakes role, but we’ll give you the confidence to carve out an exciting career with this Mathematics and Actuarial Science degre

Chemistry with Forensic Investigation (Hons)

The Chemistry with Forensic Investigation (Hons) programme offered at the University of Surrey will provide you with solid knowledge of investigative techniques and modern instrumentation, enabling you to gain the problem-solving and presentation skills a forensic chemist needs.

Mathematical Sciences (Hons)

Develop a broad foundation of theory and practical skills in mathematics, statistics and computing, preparing you for careers in mathematics and beyond. Mathematical Sciences (Hons) degree is offered at University of Bath.