




Physics with Mathematics Education (11-16 years) with QTS (Hons)

Become a Mathematics or Physics teacher. Share your passions. Help young people develop their talents and ambitions. The Physics with Mathematics Education (11-16 years) with QTS (Hons) degree is offered at University of Sunderland.

Physical Sciences (Hons) (4 year route including a Foundation Year at Carmel College)

This Physical Sciences (Hons) (4 year route including a Foundation Year at Carmel College) programme from University of Liverpool provides a route into any of the BSc (Hons) degree programmes offered by the Department of Physics.

Physics with Nuclear Science (Hons)

This Physics with Nuclear Science (Hons) programme from University of Liverpool ensures you’re fully equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary for a successful career in nuclear-related industries. In addition to core physics, you’ll also study mathematics, computing and experimental

Physics with Medical Applications (Hons)

Physics with Medical Applications (Hons) programme provides the perfect foundation for a career in medical physics, with options for a year in industry or a year abroad.

Mathematics and Physics (Hons)

Master the logic, rigour and proof of mathematics alongside the universal principles of physics to prepare you for a wide range of careers. The Mathematics and Physics (Hons) degree is offered at University of Bath.

(Hons) Mathematics and Physics

The BSc (Hons) Mathematics and Physics degree at University of Lincoln aims to provide a broad education in mathematics. This includes pure and applied mathematics. This is alongside fundamental and applied physics, enabling students to develop the knowledge and problem-solving skills vital to

Analytical Chemistry (Honours)

This Analytical Chemistry (Honours) programme from University Sains Malaysia offers a solid foundations in pure chemistry as well as analytical chemistry courses. 

Aviation - Pilot

In the Aviation - Pilot program from University of South Australia you will undertake general studies in aviation including an introduction to human factors and safety management systems. 

Natural Sciences specialising in Chemistry, Mathematics or Physics (Hons)

This versatile Natural Sciences specialising in Chemistry, Mathematics or Physics (Hons) degree at the University of York explores the synergies between Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics, providing a solid interdisciplinary foundation before you choose one field as your specialism to explore i

Physics - Undergraduate Foundation Programme

This one-year (3 term) Physics - Undergraduate Foundation Programme at ONCAMPUS Hull offers successful students guaranteed progression to the University of Hull.