





This WiSo-Bachelor programme at University of Cologne paves the way for your individual career path – regardless of whether you enter the profession directly after your Bachelor's degree, complete a trainee programme or decide on a further master's degree programme. 

Environmental Sciences

The Degree in Environmental Sciences at University of Valencia offers a set of studies with a clear multidisciplinary content, which provide a training that will allow graduates to deal with environmental issues from diverse areas of knowledge. 


The Chemistry course at University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) is now the established mainstream route to becoming a professional chemist in the UK.

Recreation and Outdoor Environmental Studies

The Bachelor of Recreation and Outdoor Environmental Studies from the University of the Sunshine Coast teaches you the skills to work with people, engaging them in more active lifestyles and helping them to connect with and appreciate nature.  

Environmental and Occupational Health with Honors

The Environmental and Occupational Health with Honors program of the University Putra Malaysia was first initiated in year 1998 with the first batch of students graduated in year 2001.

Environmental Studies

Development comes with a price, and that price is the decay of our natural environment. Does that mean we should stop developing our nation in order to preserve our environment? Or should we forgo our environment for developments’ sake? Learn more with the Environmental Studies program of the&n

Environmental Science

University of New England's Bachelor of Environmental Science gives you a broad foundation in the theories and practice that underpin a multidisciplinary career working to solve environmental issues on regional, national and global environmental scales.


Ecology is recommended for students who want to understand how animals and plants interact with each other, and with the natural and human environment. The Ecology program is offered by University of Pretoria.

Ecology and Conservation

Get ready to deep dive into the key concepts of ecology and discover how organisms behave, evolve and interact with their physical and biological environments. This Ecology and Conservation course at the University of East Anglia is for you if you have a scientist’s mind combined

Agricultural Sciences

For those seeking a career in the industry, the Agricultural Sciences program from University of Adelaide is the degree of choice. It is ranked 42nd in the world and is the only Agricultural Science degree in South Australia.