




Applied Biological Sciences (Hons)

Applied Biological Sciences (Hons) at University of Stirling is making a difference by solving the problem of skills shortages in life sciences. We’ll give you technical expertise and proficiency in the vital practical and research skills sought-after by employers.

Life Sciences (with Dundee and Angus College) (Hons)

If you want to study the Life Sciences (with Dundee and Angus College) (Hons) course at University of Dundee, the widening access entry may be right for you. The first year of this course is mainly taught at Dundee and Angus College.

Biological and Medical Sciences (Hons)

This Biological and Medical Sciences (Hons) programme from University of Liverpool provides a broad-based education in life sciences related to medicine and medical research, and offers great flexibility of module choice so that you can tailor elements of your degree to your own particular inte

Biotechnology (Honours)

The direct-entry Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours) from University of Adelaide provides high achieving students with automatic entry into an honours year, provided a 4.5 grade point average (GPA) is maintained.

Biological Sciences (Hons)

This Biological Sciences (Hons) programme from University of Liverpool allows you to pursue your own areas of specific interest and to have an appreciation of the full range of the subject.


The aim of the Biotechnology course at University of Wroclaw is acquiring basic knowledge of the molecular basis of biological phenomena and processes through learning mathematics, statistics, chemistry, physics, as well as molecular biology, genetics, microbiology, biology of the cell and biotechno

Biochemistry and Cell Biology

All living organisms (microbes, parasites, plants, insects, animals and humans) are studied at the molecular level in this course. We investigate the structure and biological functions of enzymes, carbohydrates, fats, proteins and nucleic acids. Biochemistry and Cell Biology program is offered at Un

Biological Chemistry and Drug Discovery (Hons)

The Biological Chemistry and Drug Discovery (Hons) programme from University of Dundee sits between chemistry, pharmacology and molecular biology and focuses on finding new treatments for diseases.

Molecular Biology and Genetics

Studying this Molecular Biology and Genetics programme at the University of East Anglia will give you a fundamental grounding in the study of biology whilst enabling you to decide which area of molecular biology or genetics best fits with your interests.

Biomedical Science with Foundation Year (Hons)

Do you want to work at the forefront of medical research? This Biomedical Science with Foundation Year (Hons) degree from University of Derby is accredited by the Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS) and will prepare you for roles in clinical and public health laboratories, industry and resea