




Law (Hons)

The Law (Hons) programme from University of Derby has excellence in legal practice at its core. You’ll discover real-world law in action, taking your first steps towards qualifying as a solicitor or barrister – or keeping your career options open for the countless professions where legal knowle

Laws (Hons)

The Bachelor of Laws (Hons) degree at the University of Malta provides a comprehensive knowledge of and training in the core legal subjects of a substantive law nature.

(Hons) Law with Business

If you’re looking for a law degree that’s different to anything else out there – the University of Essex Online is the only 100% online provider offering an LLB (Hons) Law with Business, with no requirement to travel to assessment centres or complete timed examinations.

International Foundation Year in Business, Social Sciences and Humanities

Whether you want to be an entrepreneur, solicitor, landscape architect or something else entirely, the International Foundation Year in Business, Social Sciences and Humanities offered by the University of Sheffield is the first step.

Criminology and Criminal Justice

Why do people commit crimes? And what should we do about it? From offender to victim, punishment to rehabilitation, this BSc (Hons) Criminology and Criminal Justice degree asks questions about the causes and consequences of crime. The answers may surprise you. They’ll certainly help you choose the r

Criminology and Criminal Justice (Distance Learning)

Develop your interest in criminology and the justice system to an advanced level or gain the qualification you need to start or advance your career in areas such as policing, probation or security on this BSc (Hons) Criminology and Criminal Justice course.

Criminology and Criminal Justice (Hons)

The BA Criminology and Criminal Justice (Hons) programme at University of Central Lancashire (UCLan)  addresses the widespread and growing interest in crime apparent throughout modern society and meets the ever-increasing demand from Government agencies and other employers for graduates in

(Hons) Law with Psychology

The (Hons) Law with Psychology programme from University of Essex Online is the only 100% online and part-time programme with no requirement to travel to assessment centres or complete timed examinations.

Law (Hons)

With a Portsmouth law degree you really can change the world, fight for what you believe in and make a difference to people's lives. This Bachelor of Laws (LLB) is a fully accredited law degree that gives you the choice to go on to study for your solicitor exams or ...

Law Accelerated Route (Hons)

Would you like to get ahead of the game in the competitive field of law? The University of South Wales is the only higher education institution in South Wales that offers the opportunity to achieve an Law Accelerated Route (Hons) degree after just two years full-time study.