




Learning Support

If you’re ready to take your teaching career to the next level, we’ve got the perfect qualification to put you on the right track.

Social Psychology with a Placement Year

On the BSc Social Psychology with a Placement Year offered by the University of East Anglia, you’ll gain a strong grounding in key theories and research methods of social psychology. You’ll study topics such as forensic psychology, family life, the psychology of good and evil, the psychology of ment

Criminology with Psychology

Crime begins in the mind. Learn to understand both in this Criminology with Psychology programme from The University of Hull.

Psychology with Education

This Psychology with Education course at University of Leeds offers you the opportunity to discover how approaches to education impact upon learning and development, and gives you the knowledge and skills to understand how psychology can inform education. 


The course plan of the Psychology programme of the University of Porto includes a 1st cycle of general training for six semesters corresponding to 180 ECTS and a second cycle of four semesters corresponding to 120 ECTS.

Child Development

The Bachelor’s Degree in Child Development program at the University of New York in Prague is designed for students who wish to study children (infancy through adolescence) and their development in relation to the familial, cultural, peer, school, and neighbourhood contexts in which they live. 


The Psychology program of the University of New York Tirana is offered by the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences.


The Psychology programme delivered by University of Luxembourg serves as the first access to the fascinating field of research and professional activity in Psychology.

International and Political Studies Specialization - Security Studies

Specialty Security Studies encompasses subjects within national and international security. Subjects in offer are dedicated to the phenomenon of security in terms of administration functioning on the local and central level. Learn more about this program in International and Political Studies S


The Integrated Masters in Psychology at University of Minho aims to allow for the acquisition of scientific knowledge on the basic areas of the discipline, as well as for the development of deeper knowledge in the applied areas of Psychology, including competencies for the use of methods and te