




Political Sciences - International Relations

The Political Sciences - International Relations program of the University of New York Tirana is offered by the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences.

International and Political Studies Specialization-Politics and Policy in Europe

The specialty is focused on theories and practices of functioning of European states, regional and local entities of public life, selfgovernment, economic and political entities, non-governmental organizations. Learn more about this program in International and Political Studies Specialization-

International and Political Studies Specialization - Asian Studies

Asian Studies is a specialization that focuses on different dimensions of social, political, economic and cultural development of Asian countries. Particular emphasis is placed on teaching a selected Asian language – Chinese or Japanese. Learn more with this program in International and Politic

Political Science

The University of Minho was among the first in Portugal to recognize Political Science as an independent field of study by making it a mandatory course in the study programs of International Relations and Public Administration which are thirty and twenty five years old, respectively. 


The creation of the Sociology programme of the University of Porto occurred in 1985. It was adapted to the Bologna Program in 2007/2008 in order to be included in the higher education European space.

Political Science

This Political Science program at the University of Hradec Králové is designed as an overview of of political systems, political thinking, international relations, and European integration. Studies include modern history. 

Political Science

Politics is how communities settle their differences and achieve their goals. As a result, politics is everywhere and at all levels from the local to the global. The Political Science programme of the University of Amsterdam offers a broad orientation in International Relations, Political Econo

Media and International Development with Overseas Placement

On this innovative Media and International Development with Overseas Placement programme from the University of East Anglia you’ll be able to study both media and international development, and the relationship between them. 

Environmental Sciences and International Development

The Environmental Sciences and International Development programme offered by the University of East Anglia is ideal for you if you have a science background and want to understand and explore different and better ways of using and sharing our planet’s natural resources.

Political Science

Political Science at the University of Waikato offers a broad spectrum of political knowledge on both national and international issues. You'll seek answers to some of the most difficult political issues of today and gain skills for many potential career paths.