





The Bachelor of Arts from University of Tasmania is the ultimate, flexible university degree. With over twenty named majors, you can select subjects to build your knowledge, and electives to enhance your skills.

History of Art

This History of Art degree course at the University of East Anglia is distinctive in its breadth of coverage of art as a global phenomenon. Through close engagement with artworks and small-group teaching from experts, you’ll gain a unique education in the forms and meanings of art across a rang


The university's Music undergraduate course at University of Minho is strongly specialized three areas, namely, Musicology, Music Performance, and Choral Conducting.

Classical Music Performance

The Bachelor Programme in Music Performance - Western Classical Music from University of Agder is centred around one-to-one tuition for musicians. 


Study the Viola programme at the University of the Arts Helsinki under the guidance of internationally esteemed string instrument teachers and play together with top professionals in a symphony orchestra.


Study to become a top-level kantele professional of classical and contemporary music in the Kantele programme at the University of the Arts Helsinki in its field.


The Music degree from University of Nicosia provides our students with four categories of professional skills, all of which are necessary for a successful career in any area of music.

Solo Singing Focused on Education

This Solo Singing Focused on Education program from University of Hradec Králové is organised in the form of double-subject studies and is available only in combination with the program "Music Culture Focused on Education".


The Graphics program at University of Humanities and Economics in Lodz prepare future graphic designers for creative and comprehensive design problems in the positions of independent designers, as well as for work in a creative team. 

Fashion Brand Management

The 3-Year Course in Fashion Brand Management provides an excellent foundation for those who wish to undertake a role in fashion, luxury, retail, and brand management.The wide-ranging curriculum teaches a wide range of multidisciplinary and transferable skills in busine